Thursday, June 15, 2006

Calling All Minorities

Recently I was involved in a conversation about minority students and diversity at Georgia College and State University. A lot of people think we need more minority students on this campus. But how do we get minority students to attend Georgia College and State Univeristy, I say, get well-known black professors, they will bring students who will want to learn from them. Imagine if Nikki Giovanni came here to teach Creative Writing, I bet a few black students would come just to learn how to write some poems. Also race relations are the wave of the future, why not have, and I'm borrowing this idea, a Race Relations Major, as corporations realize the profitable benefits of diversifying their employee base, I'm sure they would like to know how to best get along with and thrive with their new employees. Also good race relations may end the bias associated with job oppurtunites because good race realtions in a workplace could help engage bias prejudice attitudes and erase years of prejudice programming, this is all a bunch of "ifs". But back to Georgia College, we need things here to make African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, and all the Americans that contribute to diversity at this institution. How do we get them here, give them the things they need for an education, appealing faculty, prior experiences here on campus, and scholarships, we only have one thank you Mary Peyton and Cook. Georgia College is currently taking steps in the right direction, there is minority engagement currently engaging and there was a gift of $700,000 for scholarships and recruitment of Latin American students, thanks Goizueta. It will be interesting to see this school in a 5 or ten years, It'll be after I have long graduated, let us hope that a change is on the horizon. And last but not least, just to call even more attention to the need, I couldn't even find stock pictures from GC&SU with all the minorities I just mentioned, had to go to Texas Tech to find a photo.


Anonymous said...

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Bindle Spundie said...

But I left out people of middle eastern descent. I want you here too