Thursday, July 20, 2006

My new post, My New Post, My New Post

1. Since I haven't done this in a While, let me apologize

2. Next, one of the things I think, believe, and hold dear, is the fact that we have to prepare our own futures in the best way we can. I know that most of you who read this maybe in college and others may not, but with this post, I just want to infuse some with the knowledge to stop waiting and seize something,now! Whether it's a business, some piece of knowledge, just know, your future is what you make it and graduation may be to late to start working on that dream.

Carpe everything you can!

3. Here is a video with a little spoken word and a good message.

4. A.A.C does spoken word, I've got to get us, "all up and through here"

5. Shut It Down!

This is from the Stanford Spoken Word Collective.


OD said...

That was a tight and very relevant poem/performance (or pome right PG? haha). Often times if you're not a senior (and in bad cases even if you are a senior) graduation seems sooo distant but that 120th hour will pop up at you like that and we gotta be ready. I feel I've been preparin myself pretty well to get outta here (postponement of your grad date counts as a good "when I graduate..." strategy right?) but I could always do more. Props on the blog

Bindle Spundie said...

appreciate it O.